Snap, Crackle, & Pop

What a glorious day!

The sun is shining, the birds, are chirping, lawnmowers are making their first cuts of the year {fresh cut grass is my favorite smell ever, FYI}, and I had an adjustment! 


A new affordable chiropractic practice recently opened in my town and I’ve been wanting to go. I know a lot of people are adamantly against chiropractors {including some of my own family}, but I really think they can do some good. I think it’s kind of naive to think that our bodies will run perfectly without ever having a tweak here or there. {Don’t get me wrong, I definitely understand there are some major risks, but in general, I like the idea}

Yesterday I worked for 8 hours, hunched over boxes the whole time. Needless to say my back was killing me. I felt about 110 years old. I knew today would be a great time to try out this new place! After a few pops here and crackles there, I felt like a new person! It’s amazing what a little adjustment can do 🙂


I took my brother out for lunch {see… great mood!}. We had the windows rolled down and were enjoying the sunshine.


For the rest of the afternoon, I plan on enjoying the gorgeous weather by studying outside. Maybe I’ll even have time to watch The Bachelor finale that I missed while I was at work last night. I’ve heard it’s pretty dramatic and I’m not a fan of Juan Pablo to begin with, so I’m interested to see how it ends. And The Voice! Okay, I’ll definitely have to spread out the tv through the rest of the week… that’s too much for one day… especially one as beautiful as this. 


  • Chiropractors: for or against?
  • What did you think of The Bachelor Finale?